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Hello. I'm Trace.

Many believers who started Christian ministries grew up in the church. I'm NOT one of them. The only thing I remember about "church" was being sent home from a Sunday School class when I was about six years old. Yes, I was a SINNER from an early age! 

I Was Blind...

From the beginning, I was blind to how my sin was separating me from God. Yes, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was about 16, but my moral compass pointed straight toward the world, not God's Word. I maintained a worldly orientation through military service and a 35-year career in the counseling profession. I retired as a counselor education professor.   

To say that I was "blind" to my sin is an understatement. Although I began attending church in 2003, did the "Walk to Emmaus" in 2006, and worked on subsequent teams, I still thought I could get to heaven by being a good person and believing in God. Yes, I am a SLOW CHRISTIAN LEARNER!  God had to teach me some hard and painful lessons to get my attention. They included: "The Fall", Lifting Hands and Seeing Jesus, The "Jolt" at the Empty Cross in Kerrville, Texas, and Boomers Mulligans.  


 But Now I See...

And then, one day, God opened my eyes and I began to see. It wasn't anything I did. It was ALL God's grace and mercy. I saw my sin, my separation, my need for Jesus. I started writing what was on my heart in this blog. He got me "Off The Bench" and on the field with the Water Ministry. Most shockingly, He got me out knocking on doors "Soul Winning." The Great Commission has become my greatest source of joy! 

I would love to hear from you about your testimony, clarify mine, and see how we can walk with Jesus together. I'm not finding it to be the easiest road, but it certainly leads to the right place! I'm finding the more I draw closer to Jesus, the closer He draws to me. Imagine that! :-)  Join me and fellow brothers and sisters in the Fellowship of the Unashamed. God Bless! 

In His Service,


Trace at Jesus Bench, Kerrville, TX
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