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  • Writer's pictureTrace Pirtle

Stay Humble in the Lord

In a world that celebrates pride and personal accomplishments, it's easy to forget that God expects us to stay humble in the Lord. I hope this lighthearted post will make you smile as we are reminded, "It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when..."

Just for fun! Can you relate to any of these?

It's Easy to Stay Humble in the Lord When...

  1. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when you remember your karaoke performances sound like wounded animals.

  2. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your dance moves resemble a confused penguin on ice.

  3. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your cooking sets off smoke alarms more often than it impresses taste buds.

  4. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your fashion sense is stuck in a time warp that even Marty McFly wouldn't dare to visit.

  5. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your cat looks at you like you're the punchline to its favorite joke.

  6. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your idea of athleticism involves more couch surfing than actual surfing.

  7. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your dog gives you 'that look' after you attempt a new hairstyle.

  8. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your best pick-up line gets you laughed at more often than a stand-up comedian.

  9. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your gardening skills are outshined by a plastic plant.

  10. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your DIY projects look more like Pinterest fails than Pinterest wins.

  11. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your cat ignores your attempts at bonding in favor of an empty cardboard box.

  12. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your idea of a beach body resembles a melted ice cream cone.

  13. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when you realize your best dance moves belong in an awkward dad's hall of fame.

  14. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your musical talent makes a tone-deaf walrus sound like Mozart.

  15. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your selfies gather fewer likes than a post about kale smoothies.

  16. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your sports prowess makes a sloth look like an Olympian.

  17. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your sense of direction is so bad that even GPS gets confused.

  18. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your jokes land flatter than a pancake in a steamroller race.

  19. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your cat treats you like the warm furniture.

  20. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your fashion choices draw more stares than compliments.

  21. It's easy to stay humble in the Lord when your talents are best kept as hidden gems.

Concluding Thoughts

The "world" has gone "all in" on celebrating pride in its many forms. God's expectation that we stay humble in the Lord is overlooked by all but a remnant of true believers.

But those who believe and take a knee in humble submission can be assured that God has a sense of humor with us. After all, He calls us "friends" (see John 15:15).

Finally, I want you to know I am "old school" and slow to adopt new technology. I believe in using humbly the talents God has given me. This means I avoid AI-generated content like a clown avoids a serious conversation.

However, I made an exception for this post. I was curious about what AI would generate. It made me smile. I pray it made you smile and gently reminded you to stay humble in the Lord.

P.S. Show the world you are part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed with one of our custom Christian t-shirts. Thanks in advance for your support of Off the Bench Ministries! May God bless you and yours!

About Me

Image of Dr. Trace Pirtle sitting on park bench identified as Jesus.

Greetings, I'm Trace!
I'm a retired counselor education professor who spent 35 years in the "helping professions." I'm a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a Missile Launch Officer with I.C.B.M's during the Cold War (1980's). Today, I'm an "all-in" believer working full-time for our Lord Jesus Christ. I've included my personal testimony if you are interested. 
May God bless you beyond your wildest dreams!

In His Service,

Trace Pirtle

Off The Bench

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"I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

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