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  • Writer's pictureTrace Pirtle

Top 7 Bible Verses: Writing for God

The purpose of this post is to highlight the Top 7 Bible verses about writing for God and to encourage you to do the same. Yes, you are “qualified.” We’ll discuss this point later in the post.

Imagine are having a conversation with a friend, and you finally muster the courage to say what’s been on your mind for weeks. You say, “God called me to write. What do you think?” Your friend laughs and says, “Are you crazy? GOD called YOU to write!? Forget it! It’s all in your head.”

But don’t schedule that appointment with a therapist or psychiatrist just yet. Crazier things have happened to some very “normal” people with extraordinary callings. Take a look...

Here are just seven of the best Bible verses about writing for God. Were these writers, the ones called by God, “qualified”?

Top 7 Best Bible Verses About Writing for God

Colossians 4:18 (NIV)

“I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.”

2 Peter 3:1 (NIV)

“Dear friends, this is now my second letter to you. I have written both as reminders to stimulate your wholesome thinking.”

Revelation 1:11(NIV)

“On the Lord’s Day, I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: ‘Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and to Laodicea.”

Isaiah 8:1(NIV)

The Lord said to me, ‘Take a large scroll and write on it with an ordinary pen: Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz” (quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.)

Proverbs 3:3 (NIV)

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Deuteronomy 31:19 (NIV)

“Now write down this song and teach it to the Israelites and have them sing it, so that it may be a witness for me against them.”

Luke 1:3-4 (NIV)

“With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”

Isn’t it interesting that in four of the seven verses, the writer took it upon himself to write ABOUT the Lord (Paul, Peter, King Solomon, and Luke)? The other three received a direct message and wrote FOR the Lord (The Apostle John, Isaiah, and Moses)? Think about that...

When God Calls YOU To Write

So, let’s agree that God called ordinary people throughout history to write ABOUT Him and FOR Him. So, it’s logical that He still calls believers to do the same today.

How can I support this statement?

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.” Hebrews 13:8

Since God has set a standard that He will call people to write, let’s agree that you are one of them. Pass along the Top 7 Best Bible Verses About Writing for God to your friend. Be sure to tell your friend, “Call me crazy if you want, but don’t call God crazy.”

If your friend is convinced that God is a figment of your imagination, then have your friend include you in their will. Preferably as the “soul” beneficiary of their estate. It will be God’s way of rewarding you for your faith. :-)

Yes, your mocking friend will be missed, but you still have writing assignments to complete, so let’s continue...

The next question, however, is, what kind of a calling do you have for writing? Here are some categories and examples…

Writing About God

Writing About God may include:

Personal Journal or Diary: People use journals and diaries for many reasons, but one of the best reasons is to record how your life changes when you make God #1. This type of writing is deeply personal, self-reflective, and private...strictly between you and God.

Personal Blog: Blogs can also be an excellent example of writing about God when you take the journal a step further. Like testing the temperature of your shower, you want to know if it’s too hot or too cold before you jump in. Unless you use keywords and phrases to help Google know about you, it’s unlikely anyone other than your friend we mentioned above will find you. God knows how to find you.

Ebook or Testimonial Special Report: If you want to make your testimony known to the world, try writing an ebook or special report related to your testimony. The assumption is that you are “all-in” to let the masses read your story. You will likely invest time, energy, and money in promoting your writing about God. NOTE: The personal blog is also in this category if you’ve taken the time to have it search engine optimized.

Writing For God

Writing for God is different from Writing About God. The main difference is in your intention; that is,

  • Does the writing you are called to serve you (as in getting closer to God)? Or

  • Does the essay you are called to write bless others AND lead them to God

This is a real difference in intent, but both can be equally “God-Directed.”

Here are some examples of writing for God:

Christian Blog: With a Christian blog, your intent is to shine the spotlight on others, the work God is doing through them, and how much better their lives will be as believers. You talk about how scripture is used practically, why God is still relevant today, and how a non-believer can get closer to God. There are 1000s of questions you can answer to help non-believers or lukewarm Christians get to know God.

Newsletters: You may be called to write for God in a newsletter or ezine. This writing can be done inside the church or on your own. The main idea is that your readers will hear from God through you on a regular publishing schedule.

Case Studies / Testimonials: If you like interviewing people, case studies about life transformations may be what you are called to write for God. Case studies can be published/distributed in many different ways. We’ll discuss those at another time.

Traditional Book: Fiction, Nonfiction, or Creative Nonfiction:

You can find some exciting ways to write for God by publishing traditional books.

  • Fiction: Has God blessed you with a creative ability to tell stories? If so, He may want you to write for Him a fictional story. Perhaps about how your hero takes a journey from poverty through the dark woods of temptation following baptism to prosperity and the good life as a blessing for keeping the faith. Remember to include free popcorn.

  • Nonfiction: Perhaps God has blessed you with an inquiring and investigative mind. You could write the history of a specific denominational group or high-profile pastor. Keeping your intention on helping others see God through the denominational account or pastoral profile...NOT focusing on the group or individual….is a clear example of writing for God.

  • Creative Nonfiction or Narrative Nonfiction: Yes, if God has blessed you with gifts in both areas, you can write for God in creative nonfiction. Essentially, this is about telling true stories (nonfiction) with your personality mixed in for interest and color. It’s like a double blessing for the reader because they get to know you as the writer for God and your subject and how they are a reflection of God.

So there you have it! If you believe you have a call to write about...or for...God, just do it! No one who matters in your life will think you are insane...especially not God.

A Final Thought: Are You “Qualified” to Write For God?

Are you “qualified” to write for God? I pray that you know the answer to this question--YOU ARE!; however, I pose it because something happened to me recently that I want to share with you.

A loved one heard that I felt “called” to establish Off The Bench Water Ministry and this blog. Her reaction surprised me. She said, “You aren’t qualified to write for God!” At first, I thought she was joking, but I soon realized she was serious. Some people believe you need to be a seminary graduate to write about, or for, the Lord.

If this was true, it would effectively put a muzzle on every new Christian who loves to share their testimony and love for the Lord. Moreover, it would deny God’s ability to use whomever He chooses to write about or for Him.

I will admit, however, that what we write on His behalf should be taken seriously. Can we have fun with our writing? Yes, but the message we communicate should always be done in prayer, seeking God’s inspiration or direction.

So, if you feel called to write for God, just do it! If He calls you, you must be qualified! Trust His process and write for Him in a way that only you can write.


  • The Bible is full of examples of God calling on ordinary people to carry His message to the faithful and the faithless;

  • I listed my Top 7 Best Bible Verses About Writing for God...from both the Old Testament and New a way of supporting your call to write for God;

  • I wrote about the difference between “writing about God” and “writing for God.” Both are equally valid and helpful.

  • I discussed some examples and different options for writing about or for God.

  • I reminded you that “qualification” for writing for, or about, God comes from God!

What ideas do you have for your own call to write for God or about God? I’d love to hear what God is calling you to write about. Leave a comment... it’s one way of writing for Him and sharing who you are as a believer!

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About Me

Image of Dr. Trace Pirtle sitting on park bench identified as Jesus.

Greetings, I'm Trace!
I'm a retired counselor education professor who spent 35 years in the "helping professions." I'm a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a Missile Launch Officer with I.C.B.M's during the Cold War (1980's). Today, I'm an "all-in" believer working full-time for our Lord Jesus Christ. I've included my personal testimony if you are interested. 
May God bless you beyond your wildest dreams!

In His Service,

Trace Pirtle

Off The Bench

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"I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

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